Appearance is important for an actor. Because no one want to see an ugly man who play a prince and fall in love with the princess. People like fairy tales, and I believe most people will see the play when they first attract by the handsome leader of the show. But I also believe the person can attract people by something inside of him. Maybe he is not handsome enough but there must have something more important than appearance, and give the deep impressive to the audience. So self-cultivation is most important things for everyone! ! ] L1 p6 A) [+ _
I admit that I was attracting by Tik’s face when I first saw him on the screen. And I have no idea who he is, just like the other girls fall in love with his appearance. But when I get to know him, and find more things about him. The appearance is not important as first time I saw him. I believe I will like him whatever he will become an old man or not. Just like his personality. Like this man, not his appearance! |